interrupt code

英 [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt kəʊd] 美 [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt koʊd]

网络  中断代码; 中断码



  1. This means that the Dump Reason Code is300, meaning DSI ( DATA STORAGE INTERRUPT).
  2. Then it generates a report that lists how many "ticks" each of these units of code received ( how many times a system-clock interrupt occurred when that particular unit of code was running).
  3. It is now possible to interrupt code that is caught in a loop when test-run; runs also create a clean environment for themselves ( avoiding namespace contamination).
  4. Such restrictions are typically placed on sections of the application such as an interrupt handler, where the code responding to the interrupt must complete its work in a given time period.
  5. The interrupt handler function now has a return code of type irqreturn_t.
  6. But what happens if the interrupt routine executes in the same processor as the code that took out the lock originally?
  7. Maskable interrupt sources that cannot preempt the kernel code and are thus able to invoke operating system APIs from within their handlers.
  8. Interrupt HandlingThe kernel's interrupt handling code is almost all microprocessor ( and often platform) specific.
  9. As the name suggests, interrupt signals provide a way to divert the processor to code outside the normal flow of control.
  10. But there is a key difference between interrupt handling and process switching: the code executed by an interrupt or by an exception handler is not a process.
  11. Interrupt handling code runs at the thread's priority, which lets you specify the priority of the interrupt handling.
  12. Although the kernel may accept a new interrupt signal while handling a previous one, some critical regions exist inside the kernel code where interrupts must be disabled.
  13. Maskable interrupt sources with the ability to preempt the kernel code and thus have a lower latency and are less subject to jitter, see Response Time and Jitter.
  14. The hard real-time serial receiving program which dealt with totally four different data frames was designed with four techniques: data frame picking-up in interrupt serve program, finite state machine theory, buffer sharing and code optimizing.
  15. Embedding the presented interrupt hook in applications can make the programs enter the system's kernel mode, thus realizing the low privilege level code's visiting of the high privilege level resources.
  16. In this dissertation, the HOST-SLAVE mechanism is adopted and the communication mode of interrupt is abandoned. the MPEG-4's open source code is improved on so that it can run well and satisfy the requirement of Real-time communication of multimedia on the mobile telephone.
  17. The real-time property of the communication program is studied and the hard real-time communication program is designed by means of frame picking-up in interrupt serve program and code optimizing.
  18. It is proposed that data acquisition is controlled by the timing interrupt which is generated by the timer or counter of industrial control computer with STD bus. The programing technique and detailed C Language source code program are given out.
  19. In the Windows 9x, implementation of the real-time clock hardware interrupt is illustrated by the source code analysis about real-time clock interrupt VxD and its test program.
  20. A software method is designed, the software of this system includes main program, interrupt service program of velocity loop, interrupt service program of position loop and CPLD decoding program, the code and program flow chart of this software system are given.